Wall Hung Toilet Series

This wall hung pan toilet comes complete with fittings, seat and dual flush concealed cistern. Features a concealed tank and arm carrier that is installed inside the wall, you can choose white plastic or chrome plated plastic control panel. There is a button you push on the control panel in order to flush; no other flush levers can be used. This wall hung concealed tank system offers a great image and a significantly improved level of hygiene. It operates silently and is designed to work equally well in hard and soft water with no risk of clogging. The easy-to-remove control panel gives you immediate access to the concealed tank anytime you need to make adjustments to the settings or for repairs.

wall hung toilet

wall hung toilet

Wall Hung Toilet


Wall hung Toilet with plastic button

Wall hung Toilets

Wall Hung Toilet with Plastic Button


wall mounted toilet
wall mounted toilet

Wall Mounted Toilet


Round Commercial Wall Hung Toilet

Commercial Wall Hung Toilet

Commercial Wall Hung Toilet
